
Who we Are

Every church family is unique.  River Oak Grace may not be like any other church you have experienced.  However, we also believe we are like many other churches that have a passionate worship, practical preaching, a deep love for Jesus and a desire to see people's lives transformed by Jesus.

Sunday Services
9 & 11 am - in person
9 & 11 am - online

River Kids - (Infants - 4th grade) - 9 & 11 am

“Grafted” (5th & 6th grades) - 9 am

“Rooted” (Jr. High & High School) - 6:30 pm

Current Events

Upcoming Events

VBS 2025

Save the date for VBS 2025!

June 9th - 13th

Press below to sign up to Serve, donate, or for more information

All Church work day

If you consider River Oak Grace your home church, or a desire to serve, join us Saturday March 29th, as we come together to Glorify Christ through the beautification of His Church Campus!

Press below to sign up so we know you are coming!

FUGE Student Camps

July 14th - 19th

All Church Business meeting

If you consider River Oak Grace your home church, join us as we discuss and vote on the next step for River oak Grace.

Life Groups

Life Groups Launch April 15th!

Press below if you are interested in Life groups this semester, and someone will be in touch with you soon!

40th Anniversary celebration

Join us in celebrating 40 years of River Oak Grace history! Get your own, limited edition commemorative 40th Anniversary T-Shirt from the info booth after service, or order online by pressing below!

Pre-Order between 3/23 and 4/6 to guarantee your shirt on May 4th!

Belonging to the family


Become a believer


We have transitioned giving platforms!

Please note, the River Oak Grace Giving page, as well as the branding you see will be different, as we have changed from “Shelby/Payment Brands”, to “PushPay.”

When you choose give now, you will be prompted to create a new username and password. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Jill Billings in the Church Office at 209-847-9428