
Missions at River Oak Grace

There are days I look out from the property of River Oak Grace over the rooftops of communities around Oakdale and feel the weight of a community living in darkness.  For the church to be a people who are set apart and called to action with the Gospel, the Church must carry a burden to rescue people in their brokenness. At River Oak Grace we are committed to engaging people where they are to share the hope found in Jesus Christ.  Our Mission statement at River Oak Gace is simple, “To empower people to take their next steps toward the heart of God."  We believe everyone has a next step regardless of where they are in the spiritual journey.  

We recognize that many people believe there is a God, they simply don't know Him.  We want to introduce people to the saving grace offered through Jesus Christ.  This mission takes place on both a local and international level.  With mission partners around Oakdale, CA, and across the nation we support their Kingdom building work.  From church planting, rescuing victims from sex trafficking, and assisting young mothers with unexpected pregnancies, we believe we can make a greater impact by working with organizations that focus on sharing the Gospel with intentionality.  We don’t feel compelled to recreate ministries that are already reaching the lost with great effectiveness.  

We also believe in global impact. This is why we partner with orphanages, church planters, missionaries, and refugee aid in several different countries.  From Poland, Ghana, Zimbabwe, Thailand, Ecuador, Cuba, Colombia, and Costa Rica we are partnering in places where the Gospel is being shared and life transformation is taking place.  With every dollar that is entrusted to us at River Oak Grace, a portion of that contribution is supporting mission endeavors in the US and abroad.  We want to champion every giver to see the vision and eternal difference that their faithfulness produces.  

We want to be examples of how they follow Him and journey alongside others as they pursue Him.  This begins with a global worldview of the Gospel.  Join us as we seek to make disciples of every nation, tribe, and tongue.  

Building His Kingdom,

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